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Taste Kitchen showcases NZ food and wine

Taste Kitchen showcases NZ food and wine

To the Māori of New Zealand, the rising of the star cluster Matariki signals a new year of sustainable abundance from land and sea.

Excerpt taken from Taste Kitchen
Photography: Samantha Sin

Named for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades, Matariki is the day marking the start of the Māori New Year. And now it has been declared a public holiday in New Zealand, observed this year on June 24. With ancient practices of sustainability and care for nature at its core, Matariki holds time-honored cultural connections to the reaping of riches from the ocean and the earth.
Featuring food and wine from New Zealand producers Lumina Lamb, Tiki Wines, Tohu Wines, Cloudy Bay Clams and Sanford Seafood

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